About DMO Website
Digital Marketing Organization, AmpDMO
This DMO website is an example of web development by DMO. It shows the simplistic, characterful, and uncompromised form with function side of the DMO's web development.
This DMO website was inspired from the Billionaires' 2021 space runs.
We at DMO decided to use the domain name DMO.Alt.So for three good reasons. First, this domain name extension is highly secured. Second, we can use the name DMO without any trouble. And third, the domain name extension is universal. It is simple, it is beautiful, and it ensures you got the main focus, at all times.
Bucky Maler developed and programmed the homepage of the DMO from the designs of Sergey Melnik. While, the "Team Kroplet" developed the structure of the details pages. Then Chris Torres, Kyle Shook, Remon Roben, Segun Ajibola, and Vlad Pasca took charge to finish the project, including contents and testing.
This website was developed by following the World Wide Web Consortium's international standards to ensure a smooth sertraline for all of our users with all modern devices. All modern web browsers, which support HTML 5, CSS 3, and JavaScript, fully support these standards. So, browsing is worry-free.
This website uses technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Sass, jQuery 2.2.4, Bootstrap 4, PHP 8.0, and Hammer.js. We have used SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) as our main graphics and imaging. For typography, we have used Montserrat and Zilla Slab. We have used Google Analytics for visitor analytics, and we have used our official Twitter account, @AmpDMO, for social integration.
Where required, we have used PDF (Portable Document Format, standardized as ISO 32000) files. While most modern browsers have built-in programs to read PDF files, if any problem persists, you can use the Adobe® Reader. It is a very lite application program and available to most modern devices for free.
We will appreciate any bug report or any security concern. Please feel free to contact us.